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  4. How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Garage Door?
Garage doors flanking home entrance
Garage doors flanking home entrance

How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Garage Door?

A new garage door can enhance your home’s curb appeal; however, a garage door replacement can be costly.

许多房主都在问:“换一扇车库门要多少钱??这个问题的答案取决于你买的门的类型和风格, 是否需要维修或更换能使门顺利启闭的五金件, 和 whether you need to resize the doorway or reframe the exterior. 


What Does a Garage Door Replacement Cost?

据福布斯报道, the average garage door installation cost is about $1,200. Garage door prices range in cost depending on: 

  • 车库门尺寸
  • The materials that the garage door is made of
  • The workmanship involved in crafting 和 installing the garage doors
  • 当地的劳动力成本
  • Any prep work that must be done before the new door can be installed 

另外, 如果你要更换整个车库门,或者你只是需要更换车库门板,那么车库门的成本会有很大的不同.  

Pro tip: If you live in a community with a homeowner’s association, 您可能需要安装一种特定的车库门,以符合附则. 在进行车库门更换项目之前,与你的房主协会核实是明智的.


你可以选择几种类型和风格的车库门,最适合你的家的外观和适合你的预算. Here are the most common options: 

  • 旋转或倾斜的门. 这些门是一个坚固的部分,从地板上摆动起来,拉进天花板: 
  • 外开式门. These doors open outwards from the center, much like a gate. 
  • 卷帘门或组合门. Roll-up doors may be the most popular type of garage door. They open from the bottom 和 slide into a track along the ceiling. 
  • 滑动门. These doors open to the side by sliding along a track. 

More expensive styles include carriage doors, 法式大门, 穿过的门, while roll-ups 和 tilt-ups are typically less costly.  

车库门可以是单层的,也可以是多层的,里面有隔热层. Single-layer doors are the cheapest, 但它们也是最不耐用的,对外界环境的阻隔也最少. 隔热车库门的成本——包括双层和三层的门——在购买和安装上都更昂贵. 仍然, they’ll typically last longer 和 can provide much more insulation, which is a key consideration based on your location’s climate. If your garage is detached, insulation may not be a concern for you. But if your garage is attached to your home, 一个绝缘良好的车库门可以帮助你减少能源消耗,并有可能为你节省水电费. 

Pro tip: If you need a garage door replacement with insulation, look for its R-value—the higher the R-value, 绝缘性越好. A typical attached garage needs a door with an R-value of 12 or higher.


  • 木. The most expensive doors are custom-made, top-grade wooden doors made of redwood, 铁杉, 雪松, 或桃花心木. 例如,一个单独的,满载的,高端的,10英尺宽的木制车库门的价格可能高达100美元 $10,000. Fully loaded doors often include features like windows, 防碎的玻璃, 装饰和镶板, 多种颜色. 
  • 木复合. Garage door prices get less expensive when options include wood composite. 木质复合车库门,可以涂漆,以适应您的家的风格,可以运行之间 750美元和6000美元.
  • 乙烯基. 乙烯基 garage doors resist denting 和 look good on most homes. 它们的价格可能在 300美元和2000美元.
  • 钢. 钢制车库门更便宜, 虽然它们很容易凹陷,而且需要最隔热的材料来调节车库内的温度. Homeowners can get a steel garage door for as little as $500

Other features that may increase your door price include pinch resistance, 哪一种可以防止你或你的孩子的手指或其他肢体被门夹住, 还有防篡改, which can help prevent break-ins. 


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Other Factors that Contribute to Garage Door Installation Costs

劳动力成本: 大多数承包商都需要 三四个小时 更换车库门, 车库门的维修费用将取决于你所在地区的当地劳动力成本以及所需服务的复杂性. 例如, 如果你需要一个电工来安装一个新的车库开门器, 这会增加成本. 

库存: Garage doors contain materials that are experiencing shortages due to 全球供应链问题: spray-foam insulation, steel, 和 polyurethane. 根据 John Burns Real Estate Consulting (as reported by 《bet3365标准版》), “garage doors have a more complex supply chain than windows, 暖通空调系统, 和管道装置”,由于组件和定制选项的数量. 这不仅造成了整个美国车库门的短缺, but it is also increasing the price of your door. 根据 《bet3365标准版》, for a North Carolina custom home building company, the cost of a three-car garage used to be “about $3,200. Now the cost is running about $6,000.购房者和房主在安装或更换车库门时可能会产生更多的成本和延误.

哪些部件需要更换:其他可能增加车库门更换成本的因素包括更换轨道的成本, 弹簧, 括号, or metal cables that allow the door to open 和 close smoothly. 如果你需要调整门口的大小或重新设计外观,这也会增加成本. 

处理费用: Most contractors will dispose of the old door, but some may charge a fee for this service, 所以要确保在你的承包商开始工作之前,你和他们达成了一致. 

How Often Do Garage Doors Need to Be Replaced? 

无论价格如何,只要保养得当,车库门应该可以使用30年或更长时间. Your door may encounter some issues throughout its life span, which is why we’ve put together tips on how to 手动打开车库门 和 troubleshoot the garage door keypad.

Do You Also Need a New Garage Door Opener? 

取代你的 车库开门器 如果你现在的车库门开启器仍然可以工作,并且你的车库门更换的重量与你现有的门相当,可能就没有必要了. 然而,如果你的新门更重,那么你应该买一个新的车库门开启器. Installing a 车库开门器 will cost between 200美元和500美元平均而言. 

如果您的车库门开启器因磨损而损坏,美国家庭盾牌® bet3365标准版计划 我会支持你. Avoid the high cost of replacing your 车库开门器 with our home warranty coverage for garage doors. If we can’t repair your opener, we’ll replace it. 美国本土盾 offers complete 家庭的保护 that helps your household stays up 和 running.

Can You Replace a Garage Door Yourself?

家装店出售车库门,你可以自己安装. You may even be able to solve your problem by looking into 自己动手修理车库门. 然而, 不要误以为更换车库门是一件简单的DIY工作,你可以在工作间隙挤出时间. 

更换车库门可能是危险的,因为车库门五金中的弹簧和电线处于很大的张力之下, 和 they can cause serious injury if not h和led properly. The door itself is also heavy 和 unwieldy, 而且你很容易伤害到自己(或他人). 另外, 安装你自己的车库门可以很容易地花费你一整天,除非你有经验的任务和正确的帮助. 这是个好主意 leave garage door installation to the pros. It’ll save you a lot of time 和 protect you from getting hurt. 

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